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Proper Black Pudding

Proper Black Pudding

Black pudding is one of the most divisive ingredients out there. Turnbull’s Team of Butchers have been making our own award-winning homemade black pudding for decades.

Black pudding is made from Pigs Blood, which is mixed with fat and oatmeal, before being packed into casing. The sausage is then served boiled, fried, or grilled and cut into rounds, or crumbled into small pieces.

If you are a black pudding connoisseur or really want to give it a go, here’s three ways to utilise black pudding:

1) Serve it in Mash

If you’re not keen on tucking into thick slices of black pudding, stir a small amount of crumbled black pudding through mashed potato. This indulgent recipe can be adapted if you don’t feel like using quite so much black pudding.

Click here for recipe

2) Try it in a Stew


This hearty casserole is a take on Lancashire hotpot. The black pudding is combined with lamb, wholegrain mustard and a tasty gravy, topped off with sliced potatoes. Food doesn’t get much heartier than this.

Click here for recipe

3) Black Pudding & Sausage Frittata

Not only is this Sausage & Black Pudding Frittata simple to make, but it tastes delicious too! An easy, no-fuss midweek meal with top quality ingredients – what more could you ask for in a meal?

Click here for recipe

Our Butchers also use black pudding in a range of dishes, such as; Chicken Stuffed with Black Pudding, Black & White Lorne Sausage, and Pork & Black Pudding Sausage.

Why not give it a try today!

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